Thursday, May 8, 2008


Just as RPK may have all along wanted, the Altantuya Case is in the forefront of the news again.

The gomen's response has been nothing less than inelegant and hevy handed.

Charging RPK under the Sedition Acr in a criminal prosecution pre empts Najib from embabarking on a civil action for libel - the correct and proper response for any individual who feels that his reputation has been damaged.

To lauch a prosecution for sedition is to elevate a legal battle into a national c
ause celebre that highlighes the many unanswered doubts that surround the case.

Glaringly of urgent attention are the following:-

  1. who was the man in the green Suzuki Vvitara who took Altantuya away from outside Razak Baginda's residence on that fatefil night;
  2. who deleted Altantuya's immigration records - why and when ?
  3. why should two mata-matas who could not have conceivably known her before nor had any dealings with her previously want to kill her and obliterate all evidence?
When the truth be ultimately out as will invariably be in cases of this nature the gomen is going to look foolish and bad.

gomen's use of the Sedition Act begs another question that LKS highlighted in Parliament yesterday. Is not the gomen guilty of abuse of power by using the full weight of government machinery to "punish" RPK and hopefully try to silence the alternative meia on an issue that by all measure is unquestionablyof public interest to Malaysians?